The firm represents a variety of companies in the telecommunications industry, including ILEC's, competitive LEC’s, wireless providers, and VoIP providers. Attorneys are experienced before the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio in matters such as applications for certificated authority and regulatory filings, Lifeline and CETC applications, local service and carrier access tariff filings, interconnection agreements, service complaints, and disputed charges. The firm stays abreast of developments in TDM (switched) services, as well as SIP (VoIP) services and wireless services, and attorneys are familiar with the interrelationship between the different types and configurations of services. Attorneys assist clients and provide guidance in many areas, including transactional matters, regulatory investigations and compliances, customer disputes, disputes between carriers, tariff preparation and interconnection agreement negotiations, master service agreements, service schedules, service level agreements, origination and termination services (least-cost routing), and local number portability.
Internet Technology, Data Centers, and Intellectual Property
The firm is experienced in this complex and fast-growing area of law, having represented internet technology providers from the early days of the industry through the present. Attorneys are well-versed in the terminology and infrastructure surrounding the multitude of internet and data-related services and facilities utilized to provide them. Representation has spanned from formation and initial set-up of start-up ventures to handling issues facing well-established and ever-expanding client operations. Some of these issues include: Data center site selection and build-out; utility and fiber connectivity and zoning; negotiation of master service agreements, service level agreements, and order forms; the ins and outs of colocation, redundant facilities, cloud services, mass storage, and power requirements; internet security and PCI DSS compliance; and a wealth of other factors affecting day-to-day operations in this ever-evolving industry. Attorneys represent clients before ICANN and the National Arbitration Forum, ARIN, and federal and state courts in matters involving various disputes, from contract claims and collection actions to claims under the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA).